Do's & Don'ts
Do's & Don'ts
DO NOT multitask on Facebook!
If you are running the software on Facebook do not be tempted to open up other windows on Facebook or do things on your mobile phone on Facebook while the software is running.
DO NOT spam people with your links
You have a powerful tool at your disposal but don't use to to spam people, only send links to people who have requested more information about your offers.
DO NOT type while the software is in a routine
If the software is doing one of it's automated tasks it's best just to let it run before attempting to do any other work, for instance if you start typing while the software is running a sequence, such as a friend requesting sequence, it can sometimes interfere with the sequence if you start typing.
DO NOT panic...just hit REFRESH
Sometimes the app may not load or a feature may not show, if that happens just refresh your page and normally everything will appear and harmony will have been restored to the universe 🙂
DO post in the Facebook Group
If you need help or have questions, post them in the Commissions Lead Machine Facebook support group, we're here to help, we also want to see your successes!
DO request features
If you have an idea for a feature you would like to see let us know! This software is here to stay and is just going to get better, post your ideas in the Facebook support group and we'll see what we can do to add the feature.